Avoiding Mom Hair
I now live in suburbia, am a stay at home mom (the best job ever, truly), and am closer to 50 than 20. I feel the absolute same on the inside as I did in the late ‘90’s but my outside is looking a little gray around the edges.
I am not willing to be the Mom that Gave Up and resign myself to elastic waist pants, Crocs, and a make up routine of Oil of Olay and Chapstick, but I don’t have a whole host of time, nor the inclination, to spend too much time on my appearance. My hair is the accessory I wear everyday so that was my first mountain to conquer.
After our move to suburban Austin I spent 3 years bouncing from salon and stylist to salon and stylist wanting to fall in love. I need some color for the grays, some highlights, and to be done pretty quickly so I could get to pick up at school. I also wanted a cool, hip place that didn’t make me feel too uncool. I found my perfect home at Shag on South Lamar. Hayley Groll has worked magic, makes the wait fun, and makes me feel pretty every time I visit.
Yay, true love found.