
Recent Posts

  • December 24, 2018

    Happy Holidays 2018!

    DuckTV wishes everyone a happy, healthy, peaceful holiday season.Thank you for engaging in our stories. We will be back at it in the new year.

  • December 17, 2018

    Volunteering...A Family Event

    With the holiday rapidly approaching, many non-profit organizations need additional help now and even after the dust settles on the new year.The best and most meaningful way to help is to get the entire family involved. Studies show that kids wh...

  • December 10, 2018

    An Invisible Fence for your Dog

    Like a lot of families, we like to be outside in our front yard with our dog. It’s not as much fun when she has to be on a leash, so we decided to try an invisible fence system, and LOVE IT!The invisible fence system has two major parts. First, ...