Beginner Fly Fishing
My husband and I spent 5 magical days in mid-September on a ranch outside Creede, Colorado, hiking and fly fishing. He has been fly fishing for 20+ years. I had never taken a lesson.
Our guide was amazing, talented and patient. He taught me the basics of casting and how to handle the fly rods. Fly rods are much more flexible than spinning rods. We began with getting to know the equipment and then casting a basic forward cast. There is such a fascinating beauty to fly fishing and an incredible thrill when it clicks for a first timer.
We spent hours casting over a lake to get comfortable with the rods. We then moved to a stream where I watched in amazement as my husband immediately started catching beautiful rainbow trout. I then, after many, many, many attempts at casting over a very narrow stream, caught my first big beautiful 18 inch rainbow trout! Guide was very proud, quickly removed the hook from its mouth, passed the net to me so I could pick up the fish, snap a quick photo and release him. I was unsuccessful with handling it but was able to capture a memory on film and quickly return it to the water.
Our group spent the rest of the day practicing our casting methods and catching fish after fish after fish. It could not have been a more perfect introduction to one of my new favorite hobbies.
I would highly recommend giving it a try, especially if in beautiful Colorado on the Rio Grande River.
My catch attached :)