Find What Lights You Up
This past summer, as I was spending the 4th of July with a group of friends at their backyard pool, one of them mentioned taking a business trip to Romania. What was that I heard? International Trip? New place to explore? With a friend?!
"When are you going?" I asked.
"In about 2 weeks," she responded.
"Can I meet you there?" I excitedly asked.
She looked at me like I had lost my mind. She knows I am a huge planner and a full-time mom that seldom joins my girlfriends for dinner, so she must have thought I was just cracking a joke or about to crack. Little did she know that a few months ago I had started a spiritual journey with a close group of women. Our Ladies Circle was exploring things that light us up and actively trying to put in place a way to make the things that bring us joy a daily reality. My passions list consisted of traveling, dancing, and hiking…just to name a few.
"Are you serious?" she asked.
"Let me make arrangements for the kids and give me the date as soon as you coordinate with your clients," I responded.
On July 20th I boarded a flight. My friend finished her business trip in Romania and met me in Budapest, Hungary. I had little time to research and plan for the trip, but thanks to Rick Steves' travel guide, we had a wonderful time exploring a city that we had not considered visiting before this opportunity arose. Not only was the traveling aspect of my "list" met, but we danced the night away in Budapest's famous ruin bars and hiked Gellert Hill. We left with full hearts and smiles. I feel so blessed to have women in my life that are supportive of my journey. I hope you all find that tribe who encourages you to remember what ignites you.
As Oprah so eloquently said, "You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your way can illuminate the world."