Freshly Cut, Chopped, Diced Vegetables are Worth It
Don’t feel bad if you use freshly cut, chopped, or diced vegetables at the grocery store. Yes, they are worth it! It takes a lot of time for a busy family to prep food and those fresh cut vegetables can be a lifesaver. Yes, they are expensive when compared to uncut veggies, but if you are like me, the time saving wipes out that extra cost. And don’t let those nosy Nellies at the grocery store stop you. The snide under their breath comments are a statement on themselves, not you. If you can afford it, do it.
While we are talking about precut "stuff", we have started eating vegetable noodles instead of pasta noodles. They can be healthier, but they are a real pain to make. Our local grocery store just started carrying Veggie Noodle Co. sweet potato and zucchini noodles and they are terrific. They are fresh and talk about saving time...this really does it. If you want to check them out try