Online Instructional Coaching
I am finding that as my kids are getting older, the money we are saving on pre-school and diapers has multiplied by 3 and is now being spent on athletics.
So what are your options when your kid falls in love with a sport and has the drive to improve but private coaching becomes cost prohibitive? One resource I’ve found is CoachTube. This site has thousands of videos on swimming, volleyball, basketball, baseball, track & field, hockey, tennis, and more. There are even videos on how to coach. All instructional videos are from some of the most in demand coaches in the world.
Each sport lists sub-categories so that I can find the specific ball handling drills my 7th grader needs to improve her basketball game. There is a charge for some of the videos, but many are free. Having the courses and drill available in an online format whenever they are needed is very convenient, especially when you are wanting to use your phone while you are practicing. If you have an athlete that is starting to want to specialize in a particular sport I encourage you to check out CoachTube.