
Top 10 Suburban Mom Problems

August 01, 2016 | by Heather | 1 Minute Read

The struggle is real, y'all!

The struggle is indeed real, so let’s at least have a good collective laugh about it. Here are some suburban mom problems that should feel very familiar:

  1. When you turn on the Hallmark Movie Channel and you have seen all the movies playing today.
  2. When all your Lululemon yoga pants are in the laundry.
  3. When all the napkins and plates slots are taken on the class party signup.
  4. When the line at Starbucks is too long . . . making you late for your school volunteering duty while holding the telltale cup.
  5. When you have to pick up your kid from practice at the exact time happy hour ends forcing you to pay full price for your chardonnay when you finally make it to girls’ night.
  6. When you are heading out the door in the morning to drive your kid to school in your pjs and can only find one of your Uggs.
  7. When your preschooler sings every word to your favorite hip hop song from college and you realize the beauty and necessity of the radio edit.
  8. When you catch sight of yourself in the mirror at Barre class and realized you only shaved 1 armpit.
  9. When you ask the kids to take out the trash and they find all of the wrappers from the Halloween candy you ate after they went to bed.
  10. When you have a standing appointment to get your, ahem, grays, colored and your hair stylist has a baby and is on maternity leave.