
Summer Writing Fun

July 03, 2017 | by Tanima | 2 Minute Read

I think it’s really important for kids to keep up with their reading and writing over the summer, and am always on the lookout for fun and interesting ways for them to do this. Here are two engaging ways I am planning to keep their minds busy...and get a little something out of it for me too!

Having your kids keep a Summer Journal is a great way for them to stay on top of their writing skills. I have them write in their journals about 2 to 3 times a week, and I usually give them a sentence/prompt to think about. They only need to write a few sentences so it doesn’t take a lot of time, and it creates some great avenues for discussion with my children. I have a rising 4th grader and a rising 6th grader, so the topics can be somewhat similar. Here are a few…

4th grader Writing Prompts:

  1. I am very proud because…
  2. I’ve always dreamed of visiting _____.
  3. If I were President I would…
  4. I’m afraid of ______ because…
  5. Why is the President so important?
  6. I am afraid to _______ because…
  7. Name one thing you do really well and describe it in detail.

6th grade Writing Prompts:

  1. I had the best day ever doing ______.
  2. It’s important to take care of our planet because…
  3. If I could visit any country, it would be…
  4. Sometimes I’m scared of ______.
  5. Is it better to give or receive a gift, and why?
  6. I can’t wait to study ______ in Middle School.
  7. If I could drive, I would….

We will be traveling to Europe in July. In another effort to get them to write, I am having my kids research places we will be visiting. I gave them each a list of monuments, museums, or sights to research and all they have to do is to write a half-page summary on the topic. Once we visit that place, they will be our tour guide and will tell the rest of the family what they’ve learned. It’s fun for them, and less work for the parents!

Happy Summer!!