
The Perfect Abode

January 29, 2018 | by Darla | 2 Minute Read

It's what I am in the middle of trying to build.

We are preparing to move soon — gulp — and so, trying to get as much of the house worked on and to our liking before we get there.

It's a nice house to be sure, and I want our family happy and at home while living in it. Particularly ME, since the old saying is too true — "If mama ain't happy, NOBODY'S happy".

The perfect abode is spacious, comfortable, and pleasant to look at. It's HOME, where you go to get away from the rest of the world to the one you have created to your very own specifications.

I am honestly just not sure how to do that. I THOUGHT I had it down with our current house. Pulled up all the carpet and put in a nice, warm hardwood. Easy to look at and clean; that is, when I bother to clean it.

But it's also cold and uncomfortable, and the acoustics in this house with the loud people in it travel really well because of that floor. So, we have decided to bounce back to carpet in the new house. Yep, it's gonna get dirty. Oh well.

There is plenty throughout the house the previous owners did right. They were fastidious people, thank heavens. However, there are also plenty of decisions throughout the house they made that I can only wonder: "What were you all THINKING?" Some of those I have been able to work on. Some of those, I have been told to suck up and live with it. That's not my style, though. MY house should have MY wants all over it.

Thankfully, there's a Home Depot and Lowes nearby, as there is for everyone. There's also Google. I have figured out how to do a thing or two from reading up on it on Google. Some of those do-it-yourselfers have worked out. I am unreasonably thrilled when they do, because my hands have NEVER been the most adept or proficient. Some of those projects required patching, or calling in a pro. It makes me pretty grateful for and the "Recommended" section. It's been a pretty big help.