
Volunteering...A Family Event

December 17, 2018 | by Jackie | 2 Minute Read

With the holiday rapidly approaching, many non-profit organizations need additional help now and even after the dust settles on the new year.

The best and most meaningful way to help is to get the entire family involved. Studies show that kids who regularly participate in some sort of charitable work end up growing into adulthood with a greater sense of social responsibility. That in turn makes children more likely to continue to volunteer throughout their lives. Family volunteering is a powerful bonding experience that creates life long memories. Volunteering feels good, and lets kids know that they can make a difference.

We all know time is short this time of year but not all chartable opportunities need a huge block of your day. Check out the following organizations in the Austin area or head to for a more comprehensive list of Central Texas volunteering opportunities.

The Austin Humane Society is asking families to open their homes over Christmas and foster a furry friend for a few days.

Also, first through eighth-graders can go to the humane society with a book and read to cats as part of the Rescue Reading program.

The Central Texas Food Bank has opportunities for kids eight and up and needs volunteers after the holidays when seasonal help generally decreases. Volunteers can work in the warehouse to sort food, the Mobile Food Pantry and the Food Bank's garden.

If you are looking for something less time consuming, Mobile Loaves & Fishes is good on volunteers this season, but still need a large number of gift cards.

Carrying Hope is accepting donations throughout the holidays. The organization helps children in the first 48 hours of being in foster care. The goal is to get things like new pajamas or a teddy bear that the child would either need or could find comfort in during the first 48 hours.

The United Way for Greater Austin also says there's a lot of great opportunities to help through GivingCity Austin.

If you live or will be visiting somewhere outside of the Central Texas area, check out for opportunities near you.

Happy holidays.