When Bad Things Happen
In this age of 24 hour news, climate change related natural disasters, heightened political vitriol, what-seems-like never ending mass gun violence sometimes it’s hard to remember sometimes but our kids are listening. And especially with our younger ones, although they don’t understand these situations from the same perspective as adults the definitely know something heavy is going on. And it causes them stress.
And while we’re in the season of a new school year, new extracurricular activities, new friends, etc. this is a particularly sensitive time. Especially for kids who are prone to anxiety and worrying.
Instead of dismissing her questions or reducing the gravity of the said event, find out exactly what she is worried about. Be candid about what is happening while downplaying the personal significance the event will have on her. A hurricane in the news may seem like it’s in his backyard. Grab a map and show him that the storm is hundreds of miles away. A parent’s business trip could be confused as happening in the same location of a disaster in a foreign country. Explain that although the events that are taking place are hard for the people that live here, their loved one is nowhere near the same location. Reinforce to your child that their little world is safe and they are loved and protected.
The most important thing you can do is strive to keep your child’s life extra stable, calm and secure in a time of crisis. If that means shielding them a bit from the overexposure that is so common place these days, so be it. Tuning into a music-only radio station or changing the tv channel to the food network should do the trick.